Trinidad AG: New ganja law will end turf wars

Attorney General and San Fernando West MP Faris Al-Rawi receives hugs from children of his constituency during his annual toy distribution drive at his office on Independence Avenue, San Fernando
Attorney General and San Fernando West MP Faris Al-Rawi receives hugs from children of his constituency during his annual toy distribution drive at his office on Independence Avenue, San Fernando

(Trinidad Guardian) At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Faris Al-Rawi ex­pects that the de­crim­i­nal­i­sa­tion of mar­i­jua­na which comes in­to ef­fect today will re­sult in a re­duc­tion in turf wars by gan­ja deal­ers.

Al-Rawi was speak­ing at his San Fer­nan­do West Con­stituen­cy Of­fice yes­ter­day fol­low­ing his an­nu­al Christ­mas toy dri­ve.

Al-Rawi spent the day dis­trib­ut­ing toys to about 1,000 chil­dren in var­i­ous ar­eas of his con­stituen­cy in­clud­ing Em­ba­cadere, Mara­bel­la, La Ro­maine and San Fer­nan­do.

“This is the best part of be­ing an MP, see­ing the joy on young faces and stop­ping for a mo­ment to make sure peo­ple are set­tled and good. In the midst of do­ing every­thing else, en­sur­ing that peo­ple who are in jail face the courts on Mon­day morn­ing to have some re­lief on the de­crim­i­nal­i­sa­tion so jug­gling na­tion­al is­sues with lo­cal is­sues and the best part about it is the kids to­day.”

Not­ing that 101 in­mates, in­clud­ing 14 chil­dren, are like­ly to be re­leased from prison, he said, the da­ta he re­ceived from prison re­vealed that there are chil­dren be­tween 13 and 15 years who are in­car­cer­at­ed for 0.5 grammes of mar­i­jua­na.

He said a man had to serve three months in prison be­cause he could not pay a $1,000 fine.

“It cost tax­pay­ers $75,000 to keep a man in jail for a $1,000. Where is the com­mon sense in that?”

The AG said on Mon­day they head to court to re­quest the records of in­mates whom they have al­ready iden­ti­fied are po­ten­tial ben­e­fi­cia­ries to this law.

“So we can catal­yse and ex­pe­dite their re­lease from prison. The law tech­ni­cal­ly con­tem­plates that these peo­ple ought to be mov­ing the court in a very par­tic­u­lar way but the mis­chief is that it is a long and hard process to get the in­for­ma­tion in a fast pace of time so we are catalysing that process and we hope to be in court on Mon­day morn­ing.”

He al­so ex­pects that the law will lead to a re­duc­tion in drug-re­lat­ed crimes.

“The law will be ap­plied. The po­lice will be out and about and we en­cour­age peo­ple to obey the law. Ac­cord­ing to the sta­tis­tics from the Foren­sic Di­vi­sion, he said 80 per cent of their work­load is mar­i­jua­na while 20 per cent was co­caine analy­sis. “If peo­ple could grow plants, four plants in their home where are the gangs go­ing to make a prof­it from? Where they made prof­it be­fore where there was turf be­fore in mar­i­jua­na was when it was an il­le­gal sub­stance that on­ly they had and there­fore we ex­pect to see a drop in crim­i­nal­i­ty as op­pose to a rise in crim­i­nal­i­ty.”

Not­ing he is not an ad­vo­cate for dan­ger­ous drugs, al­co­hol or to­bac­co, he said there are med­ical ben­e­fits. How­ev­er, he said peo­ple have to ex­er­cise self-con­trol and choice.

The law will come in­to ef­fect from 12.01 am on Mon­day.

How­ev­er, he said, “They (peo­ple) are not free to smoke or use it but they are free to be in pos­ses­sion of it (0 to 30 grammes of mar­i­jua­na).”

He re­mind­ed that pos­ses­sion of 30 grammes to 60 grammes will re­sult in a tick­etable of­fence of $2,000 in de­fault of that com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice or in de­fault of that fine that ex­tends to a max­i­mum of $50,000.

Per­sons held with 60 to 100 grammes are ex­posed to 50 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice and a max­i­mum fine of $75,000 while over 100 grammes would trig­ger the orig­i­nal law, which is that they will be brought be­fore the court and face a max­i­mum fine of $250,000 and three years im­pris­on­ment.