We have a chance to reset the clock and strive to be one nation

Dear Editor,

In just five weeks, we will be having our national elections where, with the casting of ballots, Guyanese will be charting the course of their country.   They should not perceive voting as merely the checks on a ballot.  Every single vote is essential, and politicians will be vying for your all-important vote.

Voters, be mindful how you imbibe the promises of politicians that may leave you intoxicated.  And should any politician use fearmongering, try (as difficult as it will be) to remember that he is badmouthing someone whom you know is a good person.  Keep in mind that your decision will impact future generations and our country, so be sober and deliberate in your decision.  And as you contemplate this decision, I implore you to maintain your focus of how we got to this juncture as you look at our past that can shape our tomorrows.

Today, the cold war is history, and the relevance of our geography is not as paramount as it was during our pre and post independence; however, because of Guyana’s resources, we can still be played by carpetbaggers who will own our cheap self-indulgent politicians.    I say self-indulgent politicians because each of the parties may have such politicians.   It is my contention that you do not blindly follow party lines when voting but look at the leader of each party and ask why you should trust this man with your future and the future of our country.  Look at what each leader has done for our country, its children and people during his time in office.  And if your decision is still weighted by history, it is time to put that history in perspective.

Yes, many may argue that the PNC during the Burnham years was racist and corrupt.  The same argument may be made that the PPP during the Jagdeo and his protégé years was racist and corrupt.  Don’t get into the superlative of which of those parties was worse, for that will lead to a circular argument.  Understand and accept that each person will view the other party’s misrule as being the worse and move forward. You see, now is a different time.

We have a chance to reset the clock and strive to be one nation.  For this reason, we need to forego making our choice for leadership based on race.  To cast one’s vote according to race is to diminish our identity as Guyanese – one people and one nation.  Any party that wins on a platform of race must be seen as racial.  Each party should be vying for the votes of all the races, all Guyanese.  The winner of our elections should extend his gracious hand to all the races, all Guyanese.  The runners-up should be congenial, open and cooperative in governance that best addresses the needs of our country and its people.  And most importantly, the runners-up should see themselves as part of the government and not its opposition.

Yours faithfully,

Stanley Niamatali