Trinidad soldier denied bail again for alleged sexual assault of 3 boys

Flashback November 29th 2019. Cpl Sterling Brent Figaro as he was arrested in St James.
Flashback November 29th 2019. Cpl Sterling Brent Figaro as he was arrested in St James.

(Trinidad Guardian) A 43-year-old De­fence Force Cor­po­ral, ac­cused of kid­nap­ping and rap­ing three school­boys over two years, has failed in his third at­tempt to ob­tain bail. 

De­liv­er­ing an oral de­ci­sion at the end of a brief ap­peal at the Hall of Jus­tice in Port-of-Spain, yes­ter­day morn­ing, Ap­pel­late Judges Al­ice Yorke-Soo Hon, Mark Mo­hammed, and Prakash Moo­sai dis­missed an ap­peal, in which Cpl Ster­ling Brent Fi­garo was chal­leng­ing the de­ci­sion of a High Court Mas­ter who re­fused his sec­ond ap­pli­ca­tion for bail. 

Mo­hammed, who pre­sent­ed the pan­el’s de­ci­sion, not­ed that the Mas­ter made an er­ror when she de­nied Fi­garo bail based on the ground that he may face at­tacks from the vic­tims’ fam­i­lies if he is re­leased pend­ing tri­al. 

Mo­hammed ruled that there was no ev­i­dence be­fore the court that could have but­tressed the Mas­ter’s con­cerns over Fi­garo’s safe­ty. 

He al­so ruled that the Mas­ter im­prop­er­ly con­sid­ered the se­ri­ous­ness of the of­fences, Fi­garo is ac­cused of, as a de­ter­mi­na­tive fac­tor for bail. 

Mo­hammed did note that such con­sid­er­a­tions could be “thrown in the pot” when mak­ing the as­sess­ment. 

De­spite the Mas­ter’s er­rors, Mo­hammed ruled that he and his col­leagues were still en­ti­tled to de­ny Fi­garo bail on the ground that he may com­mit ad­di­tion­al of­fences once re­leased. 

Ac­cord­ing to ev­i­dence pre­sent­ed in the ap­peal, the at­tacks on the teens, ages 12, 14, and 16, oc­curred be­tween June 2017 and No­vem­ber, last year. 

Fi­garo is ac­cused of kid­nap­ping the boys and sex­u­al­ly pen­e­trat­ing them sev­er­al times. With two of the boys, Fi­garo al­leged­ly pre­tend­ed to be a po­lice of­fi­cer and threat­ened them with a gun be­fore sex­u­al­ly as­sault­ing them. 

Fi­garo, a di­vorced fa­ther of three with 22 years’ ser­vice in the De­fence Force, was ar­rest­ed by of­fi­cers of the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team (SORT) hours af­ter the last at­tack al­leged­ly oc­curred. 

Fi­garo made the bail ap­pli­ca­tion to the Mas­ter af­ter he was de­nied bail by a Mag­is­trate in his first court ap­pear­ance.