Housing authority, DDL join forces to relocate squatters

Three families who were squatting on land at Demerara Distillers Limited’s, (DDL) Diamond Industrial site, will soon become land and homeowners

According to a Department of Public Information (DPI) release, this was made possible through a collaboration between the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) and DDL.

The families had to be relocated as the Diamond Industrial site is zoned for only industrial purposes.

On Monday, Minister with responsibility for Housing, Annette Ferguson; CH&PA CEO, Lelon Saul; and DDL Chairman, Komal Samaroo, turned the sod marking the start of the construction for the three new homes at Prospect, East Bank Demerara.

Ferguson said she was happy to have DDL on board the project.

“I am happy that DDL has committed to the construction of the houses and taking full responsibility for the temporary accommodation of the families. I am also cognizant that the previous administration made promises to have you and others from the area relocated, this was unsuccessful”,  Ferguson noted.

DDL Chairman, Komal Samaroo, said the event was a testament to what could happen when the government and private sector work together.

“Today is a significant day for so many reasons, the most important in my view is the fact that three families will soon enjoy better living conditions in which they will raise their families in a safe and environmentally friendly and decent community,” Samaroo stated.

The Chairman added that the ceremony also represented yet another demonstration of DDL’s commitment to good corporate citizenship through collaboration with government agencies.