Trinidad: Triple murder in Guapo

(Trinidad Guardian) The man who mur­dered three peo­ple in a house at Guapo on Thurs­day be­fore setting it ablaze with gaso­line may have used a cut­lass and a hoe to ex­e­cute his bru­tal at­tack, po­lice said.

Of­fi­cers con­tin­ue to find clues to solve the triple mur­der/ar­son which rocked the com­mu­ni­ty of Guapo.

Based on ev­i­dence found at the crime scene, in­ves­ti­ga­tors be­lieve the man came through the open back door and en­tered the house at Petrotrin Quar­ters in Guapo, some­time on Thurs­day night.

His pri­ma­ry tar­get was Sey­celles Han­nah, a 41-year-old moth­er who was re­port­ed­ly stay­ing with Ces­lyn Far­rell, 69, and her son Patrick Far­rell, 48, since No­vem­ber last year. Han­nah was thrown out by a male rel­a­tive and all her clothes dropped off at the Do­min­ion City Church at Point Fortin Main Road.

Sad­dened by her plight, Far­rell of­fered her lodg­ing.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors re­turned to the scene of the fire yesterday and found droplets of blood in a trail lead­ing about 100 feet away from the house. This could have come from the mur­der weapon. They al­so found a wrap­per for a ma­chete with a price tag and a blood-cov­ered hoe. There were spat­tered blood­stains in the walls of the liv­ing room and on the wash­ing ma­chine.

Po­lice be­lieve Han­nah was up­stairs when she was killed and her body fell through the floor dur­ing the fire. Her limbs ap­peared to have been dis­mem­bered. The pen­sion­er and her son could have been killed down­stairs.

Po­lice said there were sev­er­al hous­es lo­cat­ed near the Far­rell’s res­i­dence and it was baf­fling that no one heard any screams. It is pos­si­ble that the mur­der­er si­phoned gas from Patrick’s parked car and used it as an ac­cel­er­ant to set the house on fire to de­stroy ev­i­dence.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said their sus­pi­cions can on­ly be con­firmed af­ter an au­top­sy is done on the bod­ies at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre tomorrow.

A 33-year-old sus­pect re­mains in po­lice cus­tody.