Manari bypass road impassable because of flood

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure today said that the Manari Bypass Road has become impassable due to a flash flood. Motorists are being asked to take  a detour through Nappi.

An advisory from the ministry follows:

Ministry of Public Infrastructure


Traffic Detour from Manari Bypass Road to Nappi, Region 9

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure wishes to advise the travelling public of Region 9 that the Manari Bypass road erected on the southern end of the existing Manari Bridge has become impassable due to a flash flood. Motorists and pedestrians are kindly asked to detour through Nappi.

The Hinterland Department within the Ministry has stated that the Manari Bridge is near its completion stage as the contractor is currently casting the decking of the bridge. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 safety measures regionally and internationally the Contractor had experienced several delays, primarily affecting their material supply chain from Brazil, as well as their workforce. At present, the Contractor is putting all measures in place to fast track the completion of the Bridge and to restore and repair the damaged bypass. 

The Ministry is therefore, pleading with the public to detour through Nappi as we seek to remedy the impassable Bypass assiduously for the travelling public.

Motorists and pedestrians are kindly asked to exercise caution and observe all safety measures.

We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your cooperation.