NIS not even responding to hand-delivered letters

Dear Editor,

As we grow older, we sometimes tend to develop an attitude of patient acceptance of present realities, even as we long for the good old days. It is in that regard that I note the letter: `No help from NIS’ in Stabroek News of July 18.

In that letter, the writer Mr. John Denny Armogum complained: “The Public Relations Officer of the NIS does not respond to enquiries via email. It is a complete waste of time to contact anyone using the information they have provided.”

Welcome to the club, Sir!

Sometime ago, I realized that that was the situation, so this time around, I hand-delivered at the NIS on Brickdam my letter of query/challenge to a statement made by the PRO in a letter in Stabroek News of November 07 last.

No response.

So I wrote to the Chairman of the NIS Board in late November, drew the situation to his attention, and again hand-delivered my letter at the NIS head-office in Brickdam.

Guess what? Same budup!

So for me, I gaan bak in gool and continue waiting patiently to go gentle into that good night.

Yours faithfully,

George N. Cave