I look forward to mutually beneficial decisions from Pompeo’s visit

Dear Editor,

Would it make sense to both the US and Guyana for the US Secretary of State to visit Guyana if indeed there is a planned “October surprise” invasion of Venezuela, especially utilizing Guyana as a launching pad? Would such a visit be necessary and prudent to gain Guyana’s support? 

I have been around the conduct of diplomacy for a while and I have some familiarity with how Washington works, although these days there are two Washingtons, as in DC , the US capital, not the State of Washington. I firmly believe that if a US invasion of Venezuela was being planned for October there would be no need for the US to telegraph its intention by having the Secretary of State visit  to solicit Guyana’s support. The discussion on such support would have been had privately by secure telephony and would not require a visit. I hope I am right that come November we could look back and say there was no October surprise US invasion of Venezuela.

I understand  and appreciate the concern being raised in certain quarters that Guyana might yield to pressure and allow our geographic and maritime space to be used as a launching pad for an invasion of Venezuela. I would condemn a US invasion of Venezuela and Guyana’s support of it.  Guyana must make it clear to the US that our bilateral relations are based on the premise that our deep rooted friendship does not preclude a difference of opinion/position on key issues and principles in international relations; it presupposes it.

So, as a dual Guyanese/American, I welcome Secretary of State Pompeo to Guyana  and look forward to some mutually beneficial decisions on the strengthening of our bilateral relations in the best interests of our two people. We should all give him a warm welcome.

Yours faithfully,

Wesley Kirton