Let the Beacon be of the Truth

Dear Editor,

I have noted that the inauguration of President Ali has ushered in a period of blockade of letters written by me, even in instances when they are written in response to published letters. This assertion is absolutely true of “Guyana Times, The Beacon of Truth”. The reading public is being denied access to the other side of the story by a news house whose being was made possible by the virtual gifting of the people`s asset (the Sanata Textiles Mill) to it.

Not only have I been denied access by this media house, it has facilitated responses to my letters which it has not published and most recently has found it necessary to pay me special attention in its feature: Eyewitness, under the caption “PNC brewing trouble”.

There are a number of troubling things about that Feature.

1. As a feature the authorship remains unknown. It is cowardice for persons to be ambushed and maligned by someone who hides behind anonymity.

2. It seeks to speak disparagingly about Commissioners Corbin and Trotman, as if they lack intellect but remains patently silent about Commis-sioners Benn and Shadick, whose posture was no different.

3. What was abrupt about Granger`s “so call throwing in of the towel” when he had said all along that he would await GECOM`s ruling.

4. With what authority does the anonymous determine my ideological persuasion, more so, when that determination is not reflective of any credential or public declaration by me. It seems as if the author was building a straw house to demolish, upon the demolition of which he would claim to have made his case.

5. The author has created some “Damascene conversation” when in fact for years now I have argued that Guyana is a plural society in conflict and needs attention. Let Ravi Dev who is associated with Guyana Times deny his knowledge and public acknowledgement of that fact. My writings and pronouncements on this matter are accessible and in the public domain.

6.  I will not distance myself from the anonymous Congolese reference, notwithstanding its disparaging use. Its usage exposes the disrespect for people of African descent. I am proud to be of that descent, which birthed human kind, and a people whose foundational humanizing, civilizing and development of Guyana cannot be denied, notwithstanding the revisionism and ‘alternate facts’ about Guyana promoted by Infinity Foundation.

7.  Worst of all is the anonymous` fabrication of a quote to attribute to me in his/her furtherance of the construction of the straw house. I challenge the anonymous to provide that quote in an original form to the public. Let the Beacon be of the Truth.

Here I rest my case and await a factual response. It is clear that the house is divided and that much which is purported as dialogue is but senseless screaming at each other, hence I seek to enlighten the audience rather than engage in more of the same. Let`s see which alternate brew this produces.  

Yours faithfully,

Vincent Alexander