Pandemic politics and compromising Christmas

I promise a most brief, brief today. Since early March of this year, when the COVID-19 Pandemic ushered in our very own Corona epidemic here, I easily modified my post-75 social outings. “Daily drinks” became more weekly. And there was no choice; no escape from “washing hands” and wearing that silly face-mask every darn day.

So here I am right now – a home-alone senior ever more immersed in American politics and the consequences of COVID. Between March and the end of July, of course, our own local politics were characterized by prolonged litigious political power-grabs which the international community helped us to survive. (I’ll always repeat: if the Brigadier-President’s power grabbers had succeeded, no vote – PNC or PPP –  would have been guaranteed any status or validity in future elections here.)

My personal view is that, frankly speaking, if the pandemic had not eroded Trump’s buoyant economy from March; if there were no George Floyd race-riots; and had not the Pandemic influenced hundreds of thousands of mail-in votes, Trump would have easily won in early November. I suppose he has some right to be a sore loser. Just as some local cynics and skeptics have the right to compare him with our own Brigadier-President loser. What a world! Of politics!


Not even anti-pandemic partners?

Between March and August and early November the entire world – except parts of Africa and Asia (??) – especially Guyana and the USA had to confront both a pandemic and politics that split electorates and country down the partisan middle. And one fall-out especially in America was that even the greatest public health threat in decades could not attract full national solidarity.

Trump’s relatively nonchalant approach to the scientists’ recommendations set no example. His insistence on bolstering the economy did not win him opposition support even as he and his Task Force and medical manufacturers came up with this week’s vaccines in record-breaking time. He must be commended for this feat. Politics or not the world should applaud. Pity his management of the pandemic was a small contributor to his loss.

Over in our little Green Land of Guyana – of rice, sugar, bauxite, gold, diamond, oil and gas, we’ve never established health facilities throughout our land capable of overcoming a plague like the current pandemic. Our wealthy and our political leaders routinely travel overseas to mend themselves. Never could we have the epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists and public health experts, equipped with timely resources, to fight off COVID. Instead it’s up to the population itself to prevent.

And have you noticed? Not unlike in the mighty divided USA, never do you hear the local opposition offering the four-month government fulsome support in the COVID confrontation.

Can’t there be political partners against the pandemic?

It doesn’t discriminate or be partisan as our leaders do. Criticisms against government’s management of the plague could be conceivably constructive. Here however it’s usually political, unhelpful.

So, as when appropriate therapeutics and vaccines arrive, expect negative scrutiny as with what is allegedly happening with the COVID Cash Grants right now. Poor us.

Christmas prevails

Amidst all the foregoing, the spirit, the culture and commerce of Christmas refuse to be compromised. The “season” is upon us in big towns, small communities. As usual if any component is to be compromised or submerged, it will be the religious base that should be fundamentally pivotal.

But then we do have those Christmas-time hymns called carols don’t we? And managers? And nativity scenes. No large physical gatherings? Not here at Christmas. There will be “services” – both actual and virtual. “Christmas” wins! But take care!


What unity? Co-exist in tolerance

The poor Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) plans “conversations” to promote ethnic understanding and national togetherness. After certain leading politicians created lasting division after March’s elections.

The current His Excellency President I. Ali goes on about “unification” of us all. Our lovely national songs also preach unity, cohesion, comity, civility, working together – as “one people”, “one nation”. Poor ERC. Don’t you see how phony most leaders are on this vital issue? Can’t you notice how division is constantly promoted – whether deliberately or subtly – when specific actions are executed by leaders in public life?

Perhaps just after age seven, then throughout their teens to statutory adulthood, racial and class division assail our young. I Fenty preach again: strive first for productive peaceful co-existence among all. Resource development must be experienced by all. Young relationships can be spawned, ignoring differences. Who knows? Later can come “unity”, even love. Mouthing the clichés are no longer even aspirational. Fake and artificial are easily detected.

Ponder on…

●  1) Sunday’s SN editorial even alluded to one “unity” challenge here: “On the religious front, for example, there is no moral unity on abortion, divorce, heterosexual relations or even marriage as it relates to Muslims, but we have still managed to operate some kind of modus vivendi over the years. This has been made possible by the fact that the framework of the state is a secular one, and all religions have to be sheltered within it, with the consequence that some have had to give way in terms of their beliefs on a given front. What make the system work in a larger sense is a measure of tolerance.”

●  2) And yes, there can be unity of purpose! To build a new stelling for the community; to win some competition okay?

●   3) Forget that a new GPL CEO has been identified. Or that the new broadcast authority has just been put in place. Bets are still out from me: That the new  Director of Sport, Director of Culture, Director of Youth, the new EPA Head and Director of Energy will all be  competent qualified Afro-Guyanese!

And a new wager here: most new ambassadors and high commissioners next year will also be Afro-Guyanese!

Y’all bet nuh!

’Til next week
