There is no sign of repentance for the wrong things that were transparently done

Dear Editor,

I blessed a house last Sunday and then I blessed a bus. The house was new, so that did not take long, only the instructions to the inhabitants did. The bus was second hand, so I sat 5 minutes quietly in it with the owner and said nothing. The formal blessing was short, but the time was for my sins. You see, I am not an ordained priest, so I have no authority but my personal standing before God to get rid of any demons that came with the bus. (Ordained priests can have authority without personal standing. They are a convenience for those who believe in the power given to the Church, and who may not know the personal rectitude of the exorcist.)

It is a year since the last elections and there is no sign of repentance from those who claim to be Christians for the wrong things that were transparently, nay brazenly, done. This is the third letter on the repentance required for rigging elections. The last one was written 10 years ago, when the late AFC leader, Sheila Holder, was alive. She agreed with me that the PNC needed to repent in order to get the country moving forward. We knew that those who did not repent, justified a wrong unto themselves, and would be prone to do it again. So the 2020 attempt to rig was no surprise to me. Let me explain something about Christianity that the unbelievers and the apparent Christians do not know. There is a court in heaven for every baptized Christian [Revelation 12:10], because Christians are endowed with much power – to cast out demons, heal the sick, and other good works – which the Devil has massively succeeded in fooling them they cannot do. When a Christian sins, the Satan (prosecutor) says to God, “He is following my law of sin.” God, the Judge of the universe, will agree, and the sentence is, “He is yours.” And demons are assigned to possess the culprit, for even more evil to follow.

 When, however, the sinner comes to his senses and repents, the law [Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13] allows the Redeemer (defender) to take over and say to the Satan, “Away, he is mine now.” And angels are assigned to the penitent. There are those who will say that others must also be called to repentance. However, it is the Christian who is supposed to have the higher standard and lead the way, because he must be holy [Matthew 5:48], not the non-Christians. The reward of the Christian is the House of God [Ephesians 2:19], because of what he must be prepared to suffer, while the reward of the others could be the Kingdom of God. Again, there are those who disparage Christians who associate with riggers and their apologists. However, it is the lot of Christians to minister to the unrepentant with some of the power the Devil wants them to forget. I try to do my part, and so in this season of Lent, it is time to repent. Their pastors must explain the benefits to them and the country of getting rid of the demons. Again, there are those who disparage Christians who associate with riggers and their apologists. However, it is the lot of Christians to minister to the unrepentant with some of the power the Devil wants them to forget. I try to do my part, and so in this season of Lent, it is time to repent. Their pastors must explain the benefits to them and the country of getting rid of the demons.


Alfred Bhulai