Gym etiquette

The reopening of gyms during the pandemic ushered in stricter rules for health and safety of the gym goers.  

Maintaining distance, wearing face coverings, testing your temperature prior to entry, repacking and sanitizing equipment before and after usage are some of the written rules that readily come to mind. 

But what about the unwritten rules of the gym? What about the ones that should be in place even without the coronavirus; the ones that should not be broken?

In my opinion, here are some of the unwritten rules of the gym we should all follow: 

Excessive talking – Don’t talk excessively to people during their workout. They are usually at the gym to work, not to socialise. Socialise after the workout.

Being on the phone too long – This is quite common. Many gym goers spend lengthy time on their phones during sets sending emails, texts or making posts for social media. Sure, nowadays the smartphone is used to complete numerous tasks in our daily lives but the use of phones should be kept to a minimum, especially in the gym where others are awaiting use of the equipment. The gym is not a branch of your office.

Trying too hard to look tough – It is evident on a daily basis. We have all seen that guy who just finished bench pressing or curling and walks around like Superman with his chest out like he just won a victory. Seriously, this comes across as childish and corny.

Be friendly – I know it is the gym and testosterone and adrenaline run high and men are so tough but be a normal person. We share a common interest, so why not make friends. The gym is not a prison, making friends is good.

Stop correcting – Some persons just love showing people in the gym what they are doing wrong and come off like a know-it-all. Most newbies do appreciate the advice once it is genuine. However, sometimes unsolicited advice can come across as annoying.

Wearing strong perfumes – Don’t wear pungent colognes or perfumes to the gym. This can be very unpleasant for others who are breathing heavily. A heavily scented cologne can come across just as annoying as bad odour. Deodorant is good enough.

Dropping and banging – Don’t drop weights or bang them together unnecessarily. Not only you can hurt yourself but this can be very distracting to others.

Rolling – Don’t let your dumbbells or barbells just roll away from you as they can cause injury to others. Put them back on the rack when you’re finished with them. It’s the courteous thing to do.

Working in – Always ask before you work in. It is very rude to just sit down on a machine or bench the instant someone gets off.

Blocking – Walking or standing in front of someone during a set interferes with their concentration. People rely on the feedback from the mirror to help with balance and keep track of form especially during overhead presses, squats, deadlifts and the like.

Interact with me. What other unwritten rules do you think should be obeyed in the gym? And if you have any fitness and health related topics you would like to see published, feel free to shoot me an email.