US and Canada should call on ExxonMobil to give us better oil deal

Dear Editor,

If America and Canada want to help Guyanese, they should call on ExxonMobil to give us a better oil contract.

It was reported that the United States presented a US$1.5 million grant to the Ministry of Health, which will among other things aim to have more HIV+ positive persons in treatment and their viral levels kept low.

It was also reported that the High Commission of Canada held a signing ceremony for a new project that seeks to empower LGBTQ communities in Guyana.

Editor, after more than five decades of Guyana’s independence, I’m sick and tired of Guyana continuing to be dependent on America and Canada for handouts and donations. When will this end? It needs to stop. It is shameful and disgusting.

I can’t take it anymore. How long are the citizenry going to continue to be dependent upon America and Canada?

Editor, in order for Guyanese to be able to become independent, self-sufficient, self-reliant and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, they need to stop taking handouts and donations from America and Canada.

Editor, instead of investing in our nation’s HIV+ positive persons and LGBTQ communities, if America and Canada truly care about Guyana, they should invest by providing the nation with the best international lawyers to help us change the lopsided oil contract.

And in doing so the citizenry will not have to continue to be dependent on them for handouts and donations because we will have our own money to finance all projects.

However, Editor, I truly believe that America and Canada like us being dependent on them so that they can continue to control and rule over us. They don’t teach us to help ourselves like they teach fellow Americans and Canadians. No, because they want us to depend on them.

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Pantlitz