Take the hassle out of shopping

Dear Editor,

Customer parking is not the only problem I have encountered at the Regent Street branch of Bounty. I stopped shopping at this location as the attendants packing bags at the checkout do not seem to know how to pack bags. I have had several angry exchanges with these packers, who think it is alright to place in the same bag soft items such as tomatoes, butter, cheese and other such soft items with hard and heavy items resulting in the soft items being crushed. While it might be argued that the responsibility is the customer’s to pack their bags, the point being made is packers ought to display basic common sense in packing and some form of training by the company should form part of their induction. So I stopped shopping at that particular location and started shopping at the Kitty location, where the experience in this regard is a little better. However, what is somewhat irksome on a busy Saturday among shoppers in narrow aisles, can be found staff with huge trolleys and crates, fully packed, repacking and restocking shelves and freezers which creates a confused and disorganised experience. It is understood, accepted and recognized restocking and repacking must take place but it would be appreciated if this could be done outside the busy, crowded shopping days. In this regard it is suggested if it is recognised the busy week end period starts from Thursday, then the store is closed off early on Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of restocking/repacking of items, thus taking the hassle out of shopping.


Shamshun Mohamed