It must be my luck to be surrounded by water

Dear Editor,

In the many years that I have lived in Plantation Diamond, not one rainy season has passed without an episode of flooding. It must be my luck to be surrounded by water, or perhaps, it is just the negligence of the Neighbour-hood Democratic Council of not doing the job they were hired to do. Imagine the NDC cleans out some of the drains, but they refuse to clear out the trenches by saying that it isn’t their job. Now, I don’t know who is in charge of Diamond’s NDC because they’re not doing a good job. Typically, the job description entails clearing canals, trenches, and drains to ensure effective drainage out of the community to avoid stagnant waters that would harbour animals and cause flooding. This has not been the case and it is highly disturbing. My home has been flooded an average of six times since this rainy season began, which is three times more than previous seasons because of the fact that my home is in the vicinity of a stagnant and swamp-like trench that is supposed to lead water out of Diamond. I am pleading with the NDC to do their job because I am not the only victim of this systematic selection of “which community to help first.”


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