Youth ends life over fear he killed his brother – cops

An 18-year-old ended his life on Sunday after the police say he thought he killed his brother, who he knocked unconscious during an argument.

The incident occurred on Sunday at about 9 pm at a Region Three location.The police, in a report, stated that the now deceased and his brother were having a drink at their residence, when an argument ensued between the two. The report stated that the now deceased dealt his brother a lash to his head with a piece of wood, causing him to fall to the floor in an unconscious state.

The 18-year-old, who observed that his brother appeared to be dead, then ran into his backyard.

Efforts were made to revive the injured brother who eventually regained consciousness.

However, during a search conducted for the 18-year-old, who had run away, his lifeless body was found hanging. He was taken to a hospital, where he was officially pronounced dead on arrival.

If you, or any one you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, you can contact the suicide helpline for counselling. The Inter Agency Suicide Prevention Helpline can be reached by telephone at 223-0818, 223-0009 and 223-0001.