Noise nuisance from this establishment  has made this area a living hell

Dear Editor,

I am 64 years old. I have health issues, I am hypertensive and presently suffering from dizzy spells which I know for sure is the result of severe stress that is causing my cholesterol level to rise because of constant acts of noise abuse. I recently had to visit the doctor. This is what occurred over the weekend. On Saturday 10th July, 2021. I suffered more than 14 hours of noise abuse from loud music emanating from a mobile shop located at the corner of Fourth and Sheriff Streets, Campbellville. The music started from approximately 6pm and never stopped until 8:21 am yesterday Sunday morning despite several reports to the police and no help from the patrol. Then a few hours later, by 5pm Sunday afternoon, this heartless person was back at it and it was after 2am in the morning that a report had to be made to the police so that I could get some rest.

Since this business started sometime in February or early January of this year, there was no cause for concern since it appeared to be a snackette and was being conducted in an orderly manner with no music as the other mobile operators were doing, and even if they were, there were no disturbances from them directly, only on occasion a noisy customer stopping there to purchase. Shortly after, music started emanating from this establishment and now the area has become a living hell. There is no regard nor respect for the curfew as this person operates from Sunday to Sunday until 4am and it is clear that the individual has some kind of connection somewhere since this has been happening every night for some time now and it continues unabated.

I have to lie in my bed punishing to sleep for hours every night while the high volume of the music causes a feedback on the zinc fence and it’s either a sickening vibrating/groaning sound or a booming sound. There is absolutely no reason for this to be happening and this can only be described in my opinion as sheer lawlessness. I would like to know who in authority is so irresponsible as to give permission for a restaurant and bar to be operating in open air, directly on a corner without rules or consideration for the residents living there. No one is asking to be entertained so the owner has to entertain her customers with soft music, especially knowing that the curfew is in effect and she is breaching same. There is also extreme loud music from a white vehicle parked there on occasion very late at nights and in the wee hours of the morning. I have written letters to a few offices including that of the Mayor and City Council, paid a visit to the City Police hoping to get some kind of justice, hoping that someone in authority would stop this cruelty. There were some efforts made to address it but it is moving too slowly – Editor, both you and I know that blood pressure kills.


Pearl Lewis