Fuel prices rise again

Just a month after fuel prices were increased, consumers are facing another hike.

The new fuel rates according to three of the more frequented gas stations in Georgetown are as follows: Shell Vlissengen Road: Fuel Save – $215.0 per litre, V-Power – $217.0 per litre, Diesel – $183.0 per litre;  Rubis Vlissengen Road: Pure 95 Gasolene – $215 per litre, Diesel – $191 per litre; GuyOil Sheriff Street: Super 95 Gasolene $208 per litre, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel $190, Kerosene $130 per litre.

GuyOil fuel had several reductions at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the fuel company, prices had been reduced multiple times in 2020 to aid customers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously this newspaper had reported that the higher rates represented increases ranging from 8 per cent to 38 per cent.

The prices compared to those in September, 2020, represent a $48 per litre increase for Super 95 Gasolene, $15 per litre increase for Ultra low Sulfur Diesel, and $35 per litre increase for Kerosene.

The chart below gives details of the prices