My dream job is to become GECOM’s CEO

Dear Editor,

Every time I see a letter signed by Boodram/Bisram/Hinds I go into apoplexy. After reading Annan Boodram’s 17 November 2021 endorsement of Pandit Deodat Persaud for GECOM’s CEO, I have decided to toss my hat in the ring. In Guyanese parlance, “Me want d wuk” and here is “why I mus get d wuk”: First, I am a Guyanese patriot who wants the best for my country. I support no party. Regardless of the outcome, I am committed to the process of free and fair elections adhering to the principles of one man one vote and the rule of law.  Given our country’s checkered past with representative democracy, I will ensure a transparent process that has integrity.

Second, my underlying philosophy will guide my approach. Preparing for elections is an ongoing process. I will update the voters list every three months. I will prepare a map of the country with every polling booth clearly delineated. Voters will be required to vote in their precinct; it will not be a guessing game on the day of the election where the citizen must cast their ballot. I will undertake this contemporaneously with the updating of the voters list. Third, integrity in the process will be guaranteed; I will place cameras in the counting process. Every polling station will be required to upload their reconciliation to a web site that will broadcast the results in real time. This would be my dream job. I would make it my life’s mission to change the Guyanese mindset that elections can be tampered with. I want to heal my nation to ensure the stability that will guarantee future generations the climate to enjoy the prosperity that could come with our oil discovery. I trust that you will consider my application ‘fuh d wuk’.


Roger Ally

Fort Lauderdale