I watch to see what kind of enthusiasm the Cyber Crimes Unit will deploy in this instance

Dear Editor,

It is revealing how governance operates in this country.  It is also repelling.  I read of the developments involving Member of Parlia-ment, Sherrod Duncan, and I am struck by the swiftness and efficiency of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) as its members went after him with energy and spirit.  From the record, it is regrettable that the same is not across the board, without fear or favor, regardless of who is involved.  Now that Dr. Yog Mahadeo has had his first turn, I watch to see what kind of enthusiasm the GPF will deploy in his instance.  As for the vile attacks on me, those never got off the ground at the GPF.

Mr. Duncan’s crime is of calling someone two disparaging names. To tell the truth, those were new to me, as I have never heard them before, have no idea what they mean, so cannot speak to the piercing nature (or lack thereof) of their employment.  But there was the parliamentarian, in rapid order, charged and fined for violation of the law relating to Cyber-crime(s) committed on some Facebook program.  Clearly, the list of slurs lengthens in Guyana, and the suddenly keen sensitivity of recipients has collapsed on jagged shoals.  Meaning that anything could amount to what is construed as damaging and humiliating and degrading ad infinitum.  And, similarly, anyone could step forward and claim grievous wounding of the spirit and reputation, including those who lack both.  And more revealingly, the reach of the Cyber Crimes Unit in the GPF, can be quickly marshalled and unleashed in selective ways.  In the simplest terms, matter distil to this: those held as threats or enemies to the PPP/C Government, its litany of leadership deviousness, and its comprehensive corruptions, are to be targeted and made examples of, through social media platforms, as in the instances of Dr. Mahadeo and myself. 

While in the case of Mr. Duncan, he utters what can only be measured to be frivolous at best, and thoughtless at worst, and it amounts to a capital crime.  Those speaking out against the government and its lying leaders are fair game, with orchestrated GPF sloth and indifference; but those who err, no matter how minutely, are subjected to immediate inquisitions and indictments. Editor, I now ask that the actions of GPF, in the instance of Mr. Duncan, be weighed against the repugnance that was unleashed by PPP/C Government agents against me a few months back, using the anonymity of social media, and now against Dr. Mahadeo. It is where sleazy operators functioning at the behest of dirty leaders in this government (or what they think would please those leaders) skillfully use taxpayers’ money to attack, smear, and vilify a citizen.  After months of silence, the official word to me was ‘I wouldn’t take that seriously….’

Given these diabolical handiworks of Government, I wonder what the President has to say about these democratic norms occurring under his watch; and the leader of the party, especially when the reports are that the source of the evils perpetrated are traceable to both Freedom House and the Office of the Prime Minister.  Mr. Duncan was hauled in quickly, but others get to roam and perpetuate their wanton criminal mischiefs.  It would be interesting what the Attorney General, thinks of all this, how passive and detached he will be.  That is, when his party and government agents deal with those what Josef Stalin used to call ‘deviationists.’


GHK Lall