Union for Cyril’s drivers inadvertently certified

Dear Editor,

The Trade Union Recognition and Certification Board (TUR&CB) notes with serious concern the expression of Mr. Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary of GB&GWU, in his letter titled “Veils of deception emerging in the labour movement” published in the Stabroek News of Friday, February 18, 2022.

Following a dispute between the GB&GWU and Cyril’s Taxi Service regarding a Certificate of Recognition that was issued to the Union on the 25th day of February 2020, the TUR&CB decided on the 13th day of August 2021 that the GB&GWU should reapply for recognition describing clearly the proposed bargaining unit for which the certification is sought. The said dispute arose after the GB&GWU, on the 9th day of September 2019, applied to the then TUR&CB to be treated as the recognized majority union for all drivers attached to the ExxonMobil Project and the Certificate of Recognition, issued on the 25th day of February 2020, inadvertently certified the Union for Drivers employed by the Cyril’s Taxi Service. Importantly, the membership survey that was conducted to determine the extent of support that the GB&GWU enjoyed, at the date of the application, was with respect to all drivers attached to ExxonMobil Project. The said survey was in keeping with GB&GWU’s application and therefore, did not consider all drivers employed by Cyril’s Taxi Service. It is worthwhile to mention that Mr. Lincoln Lewis was a member of the TUR&CB that issued the certificate of recognition dated the 25th day of February 2020 to his union, the GB&GWU.

Subsequently, a new TUR&CB came into being on the 1st day of November 2020. The TUR&CB, thereafter, considered all the facts and circumstances of the issue and decided that the GB&GWU should re-apply to the TUR&CB for a certificate of recognition describing clearly the proposed bargaining unit for which the certification is sought. The TUR&CB recognized that there was a clear distinction between the bargaining units applied for that is all drivers attached to ExxonMobil Project, and the bargaining unit, drivers, inadvertently placed on the Certificate of Recognition, dated 25th day of February 2020. The TUR&CB steadfastly believes that it has acted lawfully, justly and within its jurisdiction and if the GB&GWU is aggrieved by its decision, they are free to pursue this matter in the Court. Moreover, the composition of the TUR&CB is provided for by Section 5 of the Trade Union Recognition Act. Section 5 clearly stipulates that three members shall be appointed by the Minister on the nomination of the most representative organization of workers. Again, Mr. Lewis is free to challenge the legality of the composition of the TUR&CB, if he knows that the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) is not the most representative organization of workers in Guyana. We hasten to remind him that this issue was already adjudicated by the High Court.

The TUR&CB has and will continue to carry out its mandate and responsibilities professionally and in keeping with the laws for the improvement and promotion of good industrial relations in Guyana.


D. Deonarine
