Skeldon’s hire car drivers want hike in fares

Skeldon drivers during a demonstration on Monday
Skeldon drivers during a demonstration on Monday

Saying they are operating at a loss due to a rise in gas prices, Skeldon’s hire car drivers want to hike fares and are seeking government’s approval although they are private operators.

The drivers held peaceful protests opposite the Skeldon Market on both Monday and Tuesday.

Those who spoke with this newspaper explained that they want to increase the short drop fare to $140 from $100, and the fare for long drops to $200 from $160. They are also asking that passengers pay $200 to go into streets and for school children to pay $100.

The drivers, who were carrying placards, stressed that it is important for the fare to be raised immediately. Gasoline is now being retailed at $246 per litre in the area, with another increase expected soon. 

Although they are private operators and not regulated, they explained that if their increases are not endorsed by the government then they will land into trouble with passengers. They were also fearful of being charged with overcharging passengers.

“If we just raise the fare then them go fight we and na want pay but if we get a list of the increase (fare) and show them, them go got to pay,” one driver said.

Another driver explained that he is worried that he might not be able to provide three meals for his family in the coming weeks, “Because if this fare remain then we a wuk to just buy back the gas, me na go get nothing to take home and how me go feed me family?”

Mohamed Fazad Ali, another one of the hire car drivers, noted that “throughout the country everything raising but fare for hire cars is the same. Gasoline raise, parts for cars and I think is high time the fare raise too.”

Previously, the Ministry of Commerce has engaged both hire car and minibus operators on determining fares.