Our fragile democracy has not matured

Dear Editor,

The President of the Bar Association made several stirring pleas and calls in her recent address, but none more sharp that the failure to appoint a substantive Chancellor and Chief Justice.  This situation, which has been allowed to exist peacefully for decades, is not only embarrassing but must be seen as disrespectful to the incumbents, the current holders included. It has been known by successive administrations that the constitutional provisio is not working and has never worked, but preferred to remain silent on it, having their persons hold the posts, even though in an acting capacity.  It is posited consensus and agreement between the main players in certain appointments, will not happen, as our fragile democracy has not matured where this can be achieved. It is further posited, the requirement should be removed from the constitution for all appointments which must have the agreement of the opposition leader.  Our bright legal minds can find another mechanism or formula for making such appointments.  It is high time to walk the talk.


Shamshun Mohamed