I’m just here to help reduce diabetes in Guyana

Dear Editor,

Health still remains an important topic as there are many of us with health challenges. Shaz Ally, the TikTok sensation, gives great advice on keeping in shape and boosting one’s metabolism. Some of his suggestions are – Chubby is still one of the healthier soda for children since it contains eighteen grams of sugar and the average grams of sugar that children should consume is twenty four grams. Solo Bentley is one of the more popular sodas but contains excess sugar of forty-nine grams. Sugar is good since it provides energy, but for those with health issues (diabetes) it is better consumed in lower intakes.

It’s always best to make fruit drinks with fruits that are sweet such as guava and watermelon since they don’t need much sugar and lastly dark chocolate is always better to consume than ordinary chocolate since dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants and minerals, and it generally contains less sugar than milk chocolate.

Shaz Ally created his TikTok channel when he was suffering from obesity and wanted to help others experiencing their own health challenges. He lists the three keys to lose weight – Disciple, a balanced diet and exercise. He has given over a thousand advisories to Guyanese and the Caribbean. He plans on opening his own business of creating healthy meals for Guyanese in the future. He states -”I don’t care about people negative vibes, I’m just here to help people not fall and reduce diabetic cases in Guyana”


Serena Cummings