Mr Norton must lead his party and the opposition with inclusivity

Dear Editor, 

It has been an interesting journey and I am happy I have played a part. I believed in a man with great potential who is a political scientist and a longstanding politician who experienced years of being sidelined by successive leaderships of his party. Today, he has accomplished the highest position in the opposition. I am tremendously proud and our supporters, members and the Guyanese people should also be elated by this welcome development.

Mr Aubrey C Norton, Leader of the Opposition must understand that like Joseph Harmon and all his predecessors, he will face scrutiny and will be called out if and when he falters. His leadership will be under the microscope and his performance will be assessed. His leadership and his person must now be held accountable in every aspect. Sometimes we have to be harsh with those we hate and with those whom we love. He has reached the mountain top and must lead his party and the opposition with inclusivity and with respect for the organisation and its structure. He must lead with humility and with genuine respect for every member of the party and Members of Parliament in the opposition coalition. He must unite the party.

His promise of an open-door policy must be a reality and he must genuinely meet and engage with our supporters and the general public. The era of arrogance and a dismissive attitude must not form a part of his leadership or exist in the opposition confabulation. Finally, the party machinery must operate in an “oiled” manner and with great efficiency. This and no less will be expected. I stand proud of his accomplishments. There will be no honeymoon period for the Leader of the Opposition. My support remains unswerving to him, our members and supporters but my commitment to seeing a better Guyana takes precedence over everything else.

Once again, heartfelt congratulations  to the Leader of the Opposition.

Yours faithfully,

Norman Browne

Social and Political Activist