Let me remind that it was the caretaker APNU Government who suspended the T&HD Berbice operations

Dear Editor,

I respond forthwith to a letter Ms. Annette Ferguson published on June 12, 2022 captioned “Recommissioning the two water taxis was a PPP/C attempt to erase the legacy of the Coalition Government.” Editor, I will not respond line for line, but I bring to your attention documented evidence by way of records from the Transport and Harbours’ Department in response to the accusations made by Ms. Ferguson in her letter.

1. People’s Progressive Party Civic Government, failed to address high costs of vehicular fares for residents of Mahaica-Berbice and East Berbice-Corentyne Regions, 2. The People’s Progressive Party Civic Government, under President Donald Ramotar, did not lower the tolls for the Berbice Bridge Crossing, and 3. Former Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn, was adamant in opposing the calls for fare reductions. All of which, she stated occurred on or before May 17, 2014. Editor, here are those documented records from T&HD operations in Regions’ Five and Six.

– From March 2012 to January 2013, Shanti (contracted) and Alford ‘C’ (MARAD speed boat) provided service to residents of both regions.  

– From March 5th 2012 to January 25th 2013, the M.B. Sandaka operated between New Amsterdam and Rosignol.

– And from 2013 to 2015, the M.B. Bonasika operated between New Amsterdam and Rosignol

Now, let me remind Ms. Ferguson that on April 6th 2020, that it was the caretaker APNU Government which restricted the movement of citizens from those regions when it callously instructed the T&HD Berbice operations be suspended. Editor, the evidence has been laid out, and it will show that there can be no attempt to erase any legacy of anything or anyone, especially that Ms. Ferguson’s accusations are riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods.  Editor, this statement, “On taking office in August 2020, without any justifiable reason, the Ministry of Public Works pulled the water taxis, returning hardship and challenges to those who benefitted from the services.” … Again, I must refer Ms. Ferguson to the records of the T&HD. Those records show clearly that it was the caretaker APNU Government, to which she belongs, who suspended the Berbice Ferry Service.

Editor, I implore Ms. Ferguson to get her facts straight, as the PPP/C Administration never stopped the Berbice Ferry Service.  Editor, the PPP/C Administration, under the leadership of President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, will continue to engage citizens and form policies for the benefit of every man, woman and child in this great nation. If Ms. Ferguson desires to be credited as the first to commission the water taxies, then by all means, take that credit.


Bishop Juan Edghill

Minister of Public Works