Guyana United Artists stands in solidarity with Stabroek News

Dear Editor,

The Guyana United Artists (GUA) wishes to express its support and solidarity with the Stabroek News. The “visit” to the Stabroek News by members of the Guyana Police Force under the current PPP government is reminiscent of the PNC Dictatorship under its maximum leader LFS Burnham.

He used to seek to curtail the freedom of the press by newsprint restriction which reduced the size of all newspapers including the official organ of the People’s Progressive Party. This was done before the Constitutional Referendum of July 10th, 1978, but the PNC never sent the police to a Press Agency! Simply put, Democracy doesn’t exist without a free press. The strength of democracy resides in the population being informed of the affairs, what is going on in their country, sufficiently informed as to make the right decision when they go and vote.

This is a reminder that rain doesn’t fall on one man’s doorsteps. Today it is Stabroek News…tomorrow it will be the other independent news agencies. Walter Rodney once warned us that ‘when a monster grows, it grows out of control’… They are going to become more repressive and vindictive, as corruption which has become cancerous in the body is exposed.


Desmond Alli

General Secretary (GUA)