Extra attention required at Demerara Bank’s Diamond ATM

Dear Editor,

Demerara Bank, Diamond, sometimes leave its customers wondering whether the bank is truly serving the public. Not too long ago, customers, one Saturday afternoon, attempted to use the ATM machine only to discover that it was out of order. To make matters worse, it was a holiday week end.

This morning, Sunday, I along with a few others, went to Demerara Bank’s ATM, only to find that the machine was out of cash. A message came on its screen ‘to remove cash and receipt’. Only that there were neither. There are other occasions when the bank is in operation but the machine is not.

As a layman, I think that the people, especially the management of the bank should show more sensitivity to the public’s discomfort. Extra attention should be meted out to ensure that the ATM machine functions properly after the bank closes.


(Name and address provided)