Citizen watchdog groups will help to enhance transparency on infrastructural contracts

Dear Editor,

I wish to commend the Vice President for calling on citizens to monitor the work of contractors in their respective areas. This was considered taboo as both contractors and government officials are peeved when constructive observations are made and poor quality work is identified. The Vice President said that he does not see it that way and it is good for citizens to monitor the work and bring it to the attention of the government.

 There’s another practice which I want to alert the Vice President to: that is government officials telling contractors, in particular foreign contractors, which insurance broker and which insurance company to use. Some foreign contractors are even bullied.

 I think it will be helpful and useful if the Vice President were to make a public statement that contractors whether they are foreign or local are free to use whichever insurance company, insurance agent or insurance broker that they prefer to use. And the Vice President should also indicate that contractors who are being bullied should report it to the government. I think this will help in transparency.


Lalta Ramchand