Only Solomon can counter Shanghai

Dear Editor, 

Photos were sent to me of the PPP group’s celebration of the life of a PPP long-standing stalwart who passed away recently. I have to admit that support for the PPP is growing at Linden. I am concerned. 

Underestimate no one in politics. I said to people on countless occasions that a popular grassroots person with no education or experience as a traditional politician can win support on the ground for a political party. People relate to those they know and associate with. That said, we must also take into consideration, the PPP’s strategy of using sports and entertainment to attract young people and gain their support. It is already working and will gain traction. 

The PPP government presiding over an oil rich economy where it has untold millions at its disposal and has not been hesitant to use taxpayers’ money to buy political support is another strategy that must not be underestimated especially when we look at the economic condition of our supporters. With the advent of social media, young Guyanese are now more aware of the ‘happenings’ in our country’s politics. It is social media and actual political work among the people long before elections are called that will convincingly and successfully win the hearts of Guyanese; especially our young people. In their world hypocrisy has no place and they will ask why we are only see you at elections time when you need our votes?

Take Linden for example, it is our stronghold and has been that way from time immemorial.

Linden secured the victory for the coalition in 2015. When we examine the work to win souls at Linden by PPP activist, Aubrey Shanghai Major, we would be making a grave mistake by turning a blind eye. Shanghai does not only enjoy the recognition of being one of the most popular Lindeners, he also has a unique gift which is the ability to ‘swar’. He is a people’s person and has a likeable personality and is very street wise. 

Shanghai can walk into Parliament and sit there unable to make an oral presentation but if you leave him to have a one in one with each MP that is another story.

I believe in my heart of hearts that there is only one politician at Linden who can render Aubrey Shanghai Major ineffective and insignificant in our town’s grassroots political activism and that is Sharma Raheem Solomon. I hope the differences in our party are placed on the back burner to facilitate a strong and united team in Region 10. Have you wondered why Shanghai and others have been given a multimillion dollar contract to build a school when they have  no experience building a wooden yard gate?


Norman Browne 

Social and Political Activist