I am happy that the skills of Dr. Deodat are utilised

Dear Editor,

Stabroek News of October 27 has a front page picture of Dr. Rovin Deodat, facilitator, and participants in a radio scripting workshop. I am so happy to note that the skills of Dr. Deodat is utilised for training.

I recall undergoing similar training from Dr. Deodat years ago to the effect that I was equipped to produce mathematics scripts for the Broadcast to School Radio Programme and the Interactive Radio Instruction Programme. I hope his expertise is further called upon.

Akshaya Persaud, cricketer, is mentioned on page 24 of the Stabroek News. I congratulate him on his score of 65 not out, having an interest in his cricket career years ago and even now, having gained acquaintance with him in my capacity as his teacher in his earlier years. I wish him the best.


Krishna Nand Prasad