Guyana’s media fraternity all emerged from one school, all riddled with incompetence

Dear Editor,

With the improvement of technology, many so-called media outlets became established. I’ve no issue anyone trying to be independent, but am amazed how these so-called reporters/journalists produce their stories. The existing/established media outlets are not segregated, in my opinion. Over the years, when you read one story/item in a newspaper, all the rest have the same story similar. In other words, they’re all the same. My guess is that they all come from one school, riddled with incompetence. It’s disheartening to see all jump on the single bandwagon and none deviating. Simply put, domestic violence is a serious issue in Guyana, yet no one tries to find out what drives someone to commit such acts; they all turn judge and crucify a perpetrator… no investigative reporting. Shameful!

Sahadeo Bates