Eon Singh is a star

Dear Editor,

I recently had the pleasure of watching the One Guyana Christmas concert on Facebook.  All the items presented were enjoyable and uplifting but can anyone deny that Eon Singh’s rendition of “Mercy walked in” stole the show? I watched and was deeply moved as this severely challenged individual from Essequibo sang soulfully from the heart. Eon stood tall and, as I listened to him, I felt myself getting smaller…and smaller…and smaller. What are my problems and complaints really?  I – we all – should have an attitude of gratitude. We should count our blessings.

As Eon was nearing the end of his performance, I said to my wife, “I think Irfaan will stand up.” Sure enough, President Ali stood up and gave Eon a well-deserved standing ovation. Every-one did. In doing so, President Ali was, in effect, publicly saluting Eon Singh, who he brought to the event and gave the spotlight to.  What a performance by Eon!  What a President!

Allow me to wish all my Guyanese brothers and sisters all the very best for the Christmas season. Enjoy your Christmas shopping too. My book “Judge Mohamed Shahabuddeen; a pictorial biography” is now available at Austin’s Book Services on Church St.

Yours faithfully,

Sieyf Shahabuddeen