No ill feelings

Dear Editor,

I hold to certain principles in this life and will never compromise them. I would rather live with the consequences of having such principles than to be a hypocrite and coward. Politicians and those in public life that I say things about openly, know that they are given a fair chance to dislike me, to respond, to make me a permanent enemy and deny me opportunities when they are in positions of power.

I would live with that as a consequence of calling a spade a spade.

I have no ill feelings against Sarabo Halley, Joe Harmon, David Granger, Basil Williams, Volda Lawrence, Amanza Walton, Sherod Duncan, Roysdale Forde, Robert Corbin or any politician on our side that for some reason or the other feel I said things publicly to offend them. I will not say the same for Norton at the moment because I am not a hypocrite.

I am currently angry and disappointed in him but anger and disappointment are not lasting emotions. I however, do believe that Roysdale Forde may be the next President of Guyana. I do not take anything I say lightly and can work assiduously to make such a reality.


Norman Browne

Social and Political Activist