Rethink Saturday maths initiative

Dear Editor,

I am a teacher in a school in Region 4. The Department of Education has implemented a mandatory maths session on Saturdays. This new initiative is very taxing to teachers. It is always nice and dedicated of a teacher to go above and beyond yet they are being treated unfairly. It is always great of the teachers to put their pupils first, but not at the expense of their own families. As a teacher in Region 4, I am putting my hands in my pocket to purchase chalk, stationery, sanitary supplies for my class, materials to teach and now you are telling me to go in to each on Saturdays?

Teachers are working under the fear of the parents, officials and everyone else. This noble profession takes so much from you and gives nothing but promises in return.

Ms. Minister, teachers have been giving the country consistent results for the years and the only thing we’ve got is consistent promises and ways to make this profession more difficult. Teachers have family, some have to travel miles to school; don’t we deserve our weekends? Don’t our children deserve to spend time with their parents? Haven’t teachers been treated badly already why put more restraints and impositions on them? The frustration is high in the profession why drive more of the teachers out with these new rules? The Ministry of Education staff who work late get overtime. Teachers leaving at 5 in the afternoon close to NGSA don’t even get a snack. Tell me how is this fair?

Teachers’ day we are treated with a message and a day, for which permission has to be given provided you applied in time. So kindly rethink this initiative. Certain regions in the country are experiencing teachers’ shortage like never before. This initiative will be more detrimental to the education sector. No one runs from a good situation.


(Name and address provided)