What is sweet in the mouth?

In the shady corners of some of Guyana’s restaurants and cafes, there are whispers about rodents intermingling with the food, dirty cooks, and unclean cooking spaces. One must question, how many restaurants are safe in Guyana? Why are some of these establishments not permanently closed when they are found in violation? From the rumours and allegations, even when some of them are made to clean up their establishments, they soon return to their old habits. Why are we Guyanese so unconcerned, that we will not stand as a collective and demand that we can trust the food we buy from these eateries? Whether it be food poisoning or slow death, we continue to support these businesses even when there is evidence that they are in violation of the food safety standards. I suppose the prayers many Guyanese whisper over their food they believe are enough to save them from the dangers of unsafe food.

According to the Guyana Food Safety Authority “Food safety is a scientific discipline describing the handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food-borne illness. This includes several routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Food safety is essential as it helps to protect consumers from the risk of foodborne illnesses. It also helps to prevent consumers from risks of health-related conditions such as allergy and even death.”

It is obvious that some of our restaurants need reminders about the food safety keys.

The five keys of food safety include:

●             Keep clean.

This includes washing hands before and during the preparation of food, keeping surfaces clean by washing and sanitizing, washing hands after using the washroom and keeping kitchen areas and food free from insects, pests, and other animals. When these rules are not followed dangerous microorganisms are carried by hands or found on surfaces and other kitchen articles and food borne illnesses can result.

A story surfaced on social media influencer Melly Mel’s page earlier this week when a staff at a Chinese restaurant accused the establishment of unsanitary conditions. It is not the first time that that Chinese restaurant has been accused of unclean food preparation. Not only were they accused of having rodents at their establishment, but it was alleged that people have found the droppings of rats and things like bugs in their food. The description of at least one unclean cook was enough to make one barf.

There was someone who said that when they visited one of the locations of that large Chinese restaurant over the holidays that a rodent was making its way up the stairs in the restaurant and they refused to refund people who were horrified knowing that rodents lived in the building. The ‘eyepass’ we Guyanese accept is shocking. There was another comment where someone said that while sitting at a table a mouse ran up their relative’s leg. Other people commented about eating at that restaurant, the taste and smell of the food being questionable and they and their relatives suffering from food poisoning. Sickening.

●             Separate raw and cooked foods.

Because raw foods like meat, poultry and seafood can contain dangerous microorganisms, it is recommended that these foods be separated from other foods.

During the description of the unsanitary conditions, it was alleged that at the Chinese restaurant they would recook food that was spoiled to not waste anything. It was also alleged that worms would be washed off meat and the meat cooked. Is it not vile people who would do that to others? Actions of the immoral, deserving of being prosecuted and imprisoned. Who is protecting these establishments when these allegations have been circulating for years?

●             Cook thoroughly.

It is common sense that food that requires cooking should be cooked thoroughly. It is recommended food be cooked to a temperature of 70°C. Cooking food thoroughly kills microorganisms and makes it safe for consumption.

Perhaps the degenerates who reheat and recook spoiled food believe the heat will kill their sins. The hell we experience in Guyana is diverse. But we the people do not largely boycott, and protests are few. Instead, we continue to support that which is to our detriment and seldom demand change.

●             Keep food at safe temperatures.

It is recommended that food not be stored at room temperature for more than two hours, cooked food should be piping hot, and food should be refrigerated promptly. Food also should not be kept too long in the refrigerator or be thawed at room temperature. It is said that microorganisms can multiply quickly at room temperature.

Often when food is bought from some establishments it is cold like the hearts of those who engage in unsafe food practices while profiting off the people.

Years ago, I stopped eating at a café when there were allegations of similar unsanitary conditions as were described about the Chinese restaurant. These were made by someone who worked there and said they would never eat there. I recall another person saying that the only thing that saves customers at that place was the heat on the food. How dreadful.

●             Use safe water and raw material.

This includes using fresh and wholesome foods, washing fruits and vegetables, and not using foods beyond their expiry date.

Chinese restaurants in Guyana have always been questioned but they are a part of our culture. It is telling that many have said that the Chinese do not eat what they cook for their customers.

A few months ago, at another Chinese restaurant a video surfaced on social media of a rodent running around in a refrigerator. Terrifying.

There was a health inspector who a few years ago told a friend of mine that they would only recommend people buy food from one Chinese restaurant.

There was another story that also surfaced on social media this week. Someone found broken glass in their Chinese food, called the restaurant where the food was bought to complain and the person, they spoke to suddenly could not speak English. Imagine if it was a small child who had taken a bite and chewed on that glass.

We hope that the authorities have taken note of the recent allegations against the Chinese restaurant and that all other eateries violating the food safety practices will be held accountable. The health and safety of the people should be prioritized. But am I hopeful that things will change? No.

 Sadly, people will continue to support these businesses even if they are not held accountable. Some of the people may be unaware of the unsafe practices, cannot control their cravings, buy the food with a hope and a prayer or they simply do not care. Maybe one day we the people will stand together to boycott those restaurants that do not care about our health and safety.