GCF to stage Queen Side girls’ Chess Camp Saturday

Come Saturday, young female chess players will have the opportunity to participate in “The Queen Side” girls’ chess camp.

The one-day event is designed to provide up-and-coming players with a chance to learn chess tactics and receive advice from more experienced players in a relaxed and casual setting, stated a release from the Guyana Chess Federation (GCF).

The camp will be held from 1pm to 5pm at the Duke Lodge,Kingston and the event is  open to girls 18 years and under who are interested in learning more about chess, or who wish to improve their game.

“One of the primary goals of the camp is to create a supportive and welcoming environment for young female chess players,” stated the release.

“Chess in Guyana has long been a male-dominated sport and it can be intimidating for girls to participate in more formal settings such as tournaments or training sessions, especially when they are just starting out,” the release added.

“By providing a more relaxed and fun atmosphere, the camp aims to encourage girls to get involved in chess and to build their confidence as players. In addition, the camp will also offer opportunities for bonding and building a sense of community among female chess players,” stated the release.

A number of experienced female chess players will provide instruction and guidance to the participants and basic chess tactics and strategies will be covered along with tips on how to improve one’s game.

Participants will also have the chance to play against each other and to receive feedback on their play.

“Overall, “The Queen Side” Girls Chess Camp promises to be a day of fun, learning, and community-building for young female chess,” stated the release.

This is the second activity by the Women in Chess Committee for this year, the first being a similar event for senior women in chess held on the eve of the committee’s one year anniversary at Java Coffee Bar and Bistro.

According to the GCF, the provision of women-only spaces can play an important role in keeping sport thriving, as it creates a supportive environment that allows women to build confidence, learn new skills, and compete at their highest level.

Such spaces can also foster a sense of camaraderie among female athletes, which can help to increase their engagement and investment in the sport.

By creating a level playing field and welcoming diverse perspectives, sports can attract a wider range of participants, which can lead to growth, sustainability, and success in chess, the release stated.