Stop this hypocrisy about charging people for racial incitement

Dear Editor,

For the last 68 years there has been a  struggle between Indians and Africans for ascendancy and the country has been swallowed up in racial hostilities and there has been limited restraint in the language we use to and about each other privately or in public places.

A law that Is everywhere  ignored or flouted more often than it is honoured and will always be difficult to enforce  and to prove in a Court of law any charge brought under this law, is not the effective safeguard for racial harmony, when the circumstances of Guyana and the root causes of racial conflict are taken into consideration.

The Constitution that we have arose out of the racial violence of the sixties, designed to oust a PPP administration, has peculiarly and ironically  served to entrench it in power and has placed in jeopardy the principle of rotation of office and power.

Majority rule fortifies the majority race in its quest for power.

De facto the two major parties are racial parties however multicoloured the flags on their flag poles.

So the political system and the two major political parties constituted as they are, are breeding grounds of racial animosities.

So please Mr. Commissioner of Police call on the leaders of these two parties to help you in your difficult  task of maintaining peace, stability and order, and that they should do what is in their power to do, to bring our two major ethnic groups into harmony and you Sir, and you Mr. President stop this mischief, hypocrisy and foolishness about charging people for racial incitement.

Yours faithfully,

Moses Bhagwan

New York