The CAL pilots are being heard and the message has been sent

Dear Editor,

As with all workplaces, there is always some war between the workers and management over a variety of issues. We’ve many unions protesting and marching all across the country all through the town, threatening boycotts, and disruption of services, to demand better conditions of work.

Why the uproar and condemnation to CAL pilots? Yes, it was hard on the passengers, and that’s the point. It was meant to hurt because the pilots are hurting, and they all will live. Those pilots have shown Ancil Roget and company how it’s done. These guys have real reproductive fortitude, they have belly, and it has worked.

They brought the higher ups to their knees, the government had to step in, they will make them bend as well. The pilots are being heard and the message has been sent. That is what you call battle formations, mad respect to the pilots. Unless CAL wants a repeat of this episode, they ought to move swiftly to resolve the cockpit issues.

Kendell Karan
Chaguanas, Trinidad