Moving Guyana forward in organic farming

Dear Editor,

During the National Toshaos Council Conference, President Irfaan Ali spoke about the importance of the agricultural sector and proposed using ‘crickets’ as organic fertilizer. To some, this may seem similar to one of President Burnham’s farfetched ideas like rice flour, which by the way, is currently a huge success globally.

Upon researching the market for cricket manure/frass one would clearly see that this is a very viable idea, especially when considering its benefits and aid in pest resistance. Starting colonies is not very difficult, and the amount produced per month can also be attractive. The price per pound of organic frass is much higher than cow manure and the market has a high CAGR with an attractive size. CRG congratulates His Excellency and the Minister of Agriculture for their willingness to be early adopters of this organic farming trend.

The leader of the PNC may not be willing to extend his hand to shake the hand of the President, but CRG stands willing to shake his hand and congratulate him for moving the country forward in the organic farming sector.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
