Make it a September to remember

Refresh your workout schedule this September
Refresh your workout schedule this September

If you want to make a new fitness routine stick, September is the perfect month to do it.

You might have found it difficult to stick to a fitness routine amidst the chaos of ‘summer’ activities, work, and catching up on your socializing. Don’t worry. September is here and it’s proven to be the perfect time to reset your fitness routines, set new goals and reclaim your motivation.

If you’re feeling a little out of shape as you get back into your routine, you’re definitely not alone. For many, a summer vacation can mean more frequent opportunities to stray from healthy meal choices and regular workouts.

There’s no need to wait for the new year to make another fitness resolution. September is the perfect time to give your health and fitness goals an overhaul.

Here are a few reasons why September is a great time to start fresh with fitness:

You’re rested and re-energized from the plethora of activities during the July/August holidays

Let’s face it, exercise requires energy and motivation. It’s a positive challenge, but a challenge no less. Taking a break from time-to-time to rest and re-energize can renew your motivation so you can dive back into a fitness programme.

Fewer distractions

During the July/August period, it can be easy to choose a day at the creek or pool with your bestie, or a get together with workmates instead of hitting the gym.  

Fewer distractions and a more structured routine mean you can focus more on your fitness goals, while not being as tempted by summertime outings.

Everyone is back to a routine

No need to worry about fear of missing out in September, because everyone is getting back to normal life and the children are returning to school. Creating a new routine that you can stick to is easiest if you hold yourself accountable.

Hire a trainer, coordinate workouts with a fitness friend, and develop a training plan that will work into your weekly schedule.  As you ease back into a routine, the likelihood of sticking to it in the last quarter will be much higher.

Early jump on the New Year

As you say goodbye to summer, looking forward to a schedule that allows you time to get in regular workouts and make healthier choices can bring much needed comfort and structure. It can also put you ahead of the game. You’ll be fitter and feeling stronger way before everyone else is making their new year’s resolutions.

Settling into a schedule after a fun-filled summer is a perfect opportunity to kickstart a new fitness routine, or kick the dust off of your old workout programme. With the year-end holidays ahead, you can also modify your goals to ensure you can maintain balance and focus.