Some will never be satisfied

Dear Editor,

Recently I overheard a conversation in a public office whereby a public officer said the government is building roads. I listened to her and the person she was having the conversation with until I heard them say it is only roads for some and not all. Just recently I saw quite a number of bids being published for regions 4 and 6 for roads to be constructed, so of course I interjected. Lo and behold the public officer said oh well roads cannot feed me. Fair enough roads cannot feed you, but if the roads were not being done it would have been another issue.

Guyana is developing, through infrastructure and even intellectually since a lot of persons can study for free through the GOAL initiative in the comfort of their homes. However, we can have all the development, we can have a ton of oil, we can have reduced electricity rates in the future, we can have bridges to bridge neighbouring countries to open up more avenues for tourism and the business community and we can have much more.

Yet, it is heart wrenching to know some will never be satisfied once it is a PPP/C’s initiative. Our thinking must change, we must understand that development is happening whether we like it or not, and simply Guyana will be better off with all that is happening and all that is to come. I feel sorry for the people that will always complain and will never be satisfied!


Tanya Niamatali