New road at Cornelia Ida Sea View has made our lives a daily struggle

Dear Editor,

Please help me by publishing a dilemma we the residents of Cornelia Ida, Sea-View, WCD have found ourselves in. A road contractor came in our area and started making our road. Previously, we had a 12 feet wide chip seal road and 7 feet parapets on both sides. Our parapets were the same height with our bridges and the road was about a mere 2 inches higher. Editor, we lived comfortably with that and 2 vehicles could pass each. We also could have temporarily parked on the parapets during the day.

The new road that was built is only 10 feet wide and is now 16 inches higher than the parapet and bridges. This created a slope that is too slant and can topple our vehicles. If one vehicle is on the road now, no other can pass. I tried getting on to the engineer at Den Amstel WCD office to lodge a complaint but no success. I tried calling the Ministry of Public Works but got the royal calling around. This new road has made our lives a daily struggle to get in and out. We are asking the Minister of Public Works do something for us so our lives could return to normal.


C. Woolford