I congratulate Eric Phillips for his letter

Dear Editor,

I have read with considerable interest, the extremely informative and instructive letter from Eric Phillips, Chair of The Guyana National Reparations Committee, published in the Stabroek News, 11th March, 2024, headlined “Highly recommended that CARICOM establish separate commissions for indentureship and colonialism in relation to reparatory justice”.

It is the first I have been able to read a lucid and constructive distinction being made between the horrors of “Chattel Enslavement”, the cruelty and violence and betrayal of Indentureship and the economic exploitation and oppression of Colonialism. As a descendant of Indentureship and a Guyanese dedicated to the unity and oneness to all of the people of Guyana, I congratulate Eric for his letter.


Kit Nascimento