We need to inculcate ethical and moral principles into our society

Dear Editor,

It is indeed unfortunate that those in charge of our development, although we can see that they are doing a good job in improvement of the material resources of our country, seem not to realise that we need most of all to implement the inculcation of ethical and moral principles into our society.

In the long term, the result of the present state of affairs may very well be that our country will become rich materially, but without the discipline and integrity to maintain this in a manner that will keep our society peaceful and progressive.

One only has to go about his/her business while interacting with the populace in all areas of our livelihood to witness the indiscipline and selfishness that seems to be pervading our society, and this will only increase as the violent and self-centred get more material benefits from our developing economy and infrastructure.   

I can only see a relief from this unfortunate state of affairs if we make a positive and determined effort to instil the principles that would help our fellow Guyanese to always behave decently, peacefully and unselfishly.  I expect that this would be more successful if we should form some organisation that brings together the various influential groups in our country.

I would also like to suggest that we start including some moral education into our educational system, from kindergarten right up to our teaching training programme.

Yours sincerely,

Roy Paul