Guyana’s burgeoning oil industry seems to resemble a high-stakes game of One, Two, Three Red Light

Dear Editor,

I wanted to share my thoughts on the current state of affairs in Guyana’s burgeoning oil industry, which seems to resemble a high-stakes game of “One, Two, Three Red Light.” Much like in the game, where participants cautiously advance until the command to halt is given, the recent developments in Guyana’s oil sector have left everyone uncertain about whether to proceed or pause.

The promise of economic prosperity from the country’s newfound oil wealth is undeniable. However, it comes with its own set of challenges and risks, ranging from environmental concerns to socio-political implications. The Guyanese government finds itself in a leadership role akin to the game’s conductor. It must navigate the delicate balance between fostering economic growth and ensuring environmental sustainability and social welfare.

While eager to propel the nation forward, it’s crucial that the government exercises prudence in its dealings with entities like ExxonMobil to ensure that the benefits of oil extraction are fairly distributed among its citizens. Meanwhile, the people of Guyana are akin to the players in the game, cautiously advancing while keeping a watchful eye on their leaders and corporate actors. They must demand transparency, environmental protection, and fair labour practices to safeguard against exploitation and promote sustainable development.

As for ExxonMobil, being a key player in Guyana’s oil ambitions, it holds significant responsibility. Prioritizing safety, environmental preservation, and community engagement over short-term gains is imperative for demonstrating a genuine commitment to the well-being of Guyana and its people. Recent controversies surrounding issues like revenue sharing and environmental protection highlight the urgent need for a balanced and inclusive approach to Guyana’s oil industry.

Just like in “One, Two, Three Red Light,” success will depend on who can navigate the terrain with caution and foresight, ensuring that no one gets knocked out of the game prematurely. In closing, the question remains: who will emerge unscathed and ensure that Guyana’s oil journey leads to sustainable prosperity for all?


Keith Bernard