Why is the lorry driver still in custody?

Dear Editor,

A man who cared little for his life lost it today; Jonathan Gomes was driving fast and attempted to overtake four cars on a bend in the road, he ran into an oncoming lorry whose driver did his utmost to avoid Gomes, so much so that the man ran off the road and into a utility pole. Non-withstanding all his efforts, Gomes still ploughed into the lorry inflicting fatal injuries on himself and injuring the lorry driver. Police reports state that the lorry driver is in custody pending investigations.

Editor, two things come to mind when I read this report. One: I am glad the driver is no longer with us and, his reign as a menace to society and a threat to all who use the roads has ended (no apologies). Two: Why? In the face of such clear evidence and eyewitness testimonies, why is the driver still in police custody? I hope it is not an attempt to shakedown an innocent, hard-working Guyanese in typical GPF style. I will be following this matter closely for any sign of such activity.


Robin Singh