Price of Banks DIH five-gallon bottle of water has doubled in two years

Dear Editor, 

After doing research at retailers of Banks DIH five gallons, sealed bottles of water, it has been revealed that the price has increased from approximately four hundred dollars to eight hundred dollars per bottle within the past two years. This is an astronomical increase. I would leave it to Management at Banks DIH to confirm or deny this publicly and not privately. Are there any regulatory bodies to which companies are accountable for increases in prices, especially major increases over a short period of time? 

If my research is truthful, I venture to ask the following: 

1. Is the water obtained locally and from what source? 

2. Have the costs increased in getting the water into the bottles and having them sealed? 

3. Has Banks DIH’s labour costs increased? 

We are known as “The land of many waters.” Is there a less costly way of getting drinkable water into each home? If that is not possible, is it possible to enforce a cap on the prices of bottled water? 


Conrad Barrow