Twenty-seven graduate from Corentyne leadership training programme

Some of the students at the graduation
Some of the students at the graduation

On Saturday, 24 students and three teachers graduated from the Guyana Center for Civic Engagement’s  YOUth_Engage Leadership Training Program.

A release from the organization said that the graduation took place at the St Francis Hall, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards youth empowerment and community leadership. Participating schools were JC Chandisingh, Lower Corentyne, Corentyne Comprehensive, Manchester Secondary, Winifred Gaskin and Port Mourant Secondary Schools.

The release said that the YOUth_Engage Leadership Training Program, an initiative aimed at equipping young leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to effect positive change, has been a cornerstone of the Center’s efforts to foster civic engagement among the youth.

 The programme’s curriculum covers essential topics such as leadership development, civic responsibility, community organizing, among other areas. A project needed to be completed in order to graduate. This year’s graduation ceremony was attended by Representative from the Region 6 Education Department, Navina Baichoo; Headmistress  of JCSSS, Dane Quinn.

In his opening remarks, the President  of the Guyana Center for Civic Engagement, Deodat Persaud emphasized the importance of nurturing young leaders.

“Today, we celebrate not just the accomplishments of these bright young minds, but also the promise they hold for the future of our nation. They have demonstrated remarkable dedication and resilience throughout this programme, and I have no doubt they will continue to make significant contributions to their communities and beyond”, he said.