Man held with ganja at Eccles

Police ranks in Regional Division 4’B’, during a cordon and search operation conducted on Thursday, May 23, 2024 seized 6,100 grammes of suspected cannabis at a property located at Eccles Old Road, East Bank Demerara. According to a police press release, a 27-year-old  of Parfait Harmonie, West Bank Demerara has since been arrested in connection with the find.

At about 13:00 hrs, the ranks went to the mentioned address where the 27-year-old, a vendor, was contacted and informed of the reason for the police presence. The ranks then requested to carry out a search on the premises, and he agreed, the release said.  During the search in one of the bedrooms, a transparent, bulky, plastic bag containing leaves, seed, and stem suspected to be cannabis was found in a bucket along with $15,300 in cash, the police said. The 27-year-old man was cautioned, arrested, and escorted to the Divisional Headquarters along with the suspected narcotics, which, weighed in his presence, amounted to 6,100 grammes, the release said.

The man remains in custody as investigations progress.